Trump ‘100 %’ Certain Christine Blasey Ford Named The Wrong Man In Rape

He likewise called ladies "to a great degree glad" about Kavanaugh's affirmation, clearly in light of the fact that it implies the men in their lives won't be blamed for the attack.


President Donald Trump said Saturday he’s “a hundred percent” sure that Christine Blasey Ford named the wrong individual when she said Brett Kavanaugh explicitly ambushed her, he told journalists on Air Force One.

He likewise called Kavanaugh, who was confirmed as a Supreme Court equity today subsequent to being affirmed in a 50-48 Senate vote, “squeaky clean.” Beyond the rape allegation, some of his Yale schoolmates have said Kavanaugh lied under vow in regards to his drinking propensities.

“This is one reason I picked him is on account of there is nobody with a squeaky clean past like Brett Kavanaugh,” included Trump, who was excited that Kavanaugh was affirmed as a Supreme Court equity Saturday. “We’re extremely regarded that he could withstand this repulsive, appalling assault by the Democrats.”

Trump additionally demanded ladies were “to a great degree upbeat” about Kavanaugh’s affirmation since they’re clearly calmed the men in their lives are more outlandish presently to be blamed for rape. “Ladies were insulted at the end result for Brett Kavanaugh,” he included, as indicated by pool reports.

He called challenges Kavanaugh “all imposter stuff.”

Inquired as to whether he was sure Ford named the wrong individual in her rape, he reacted: “A hundred percent.” He appeared to refer to the FBI report, yet it hasn’t been discharged openly, so it’s not realized what he may have been alluding to.

Passage affirmed under promise a month ago that she was “100 percent” certain it was Kavanaugh who she said stuck her on a bed at a secondary school building party, endeavored to expel her garments and set a hand over her mouth when she endeavored to shout for help.

The “mixed up character” story was at first skimmed by Republicans before the Ford declaration a month ago. Preservationist legal counselor Ed Whelan proposed in a strange arrangement of tweets that a cohort of Kavanaugh’s may have ambushed Ford. He named the man and incorporated a photo of him. He later apologized abundantly to suggest the man was in charge of a wrongdoing. He ventured down as the leader of a moderate “morals” think tank in the wake of the embarrassment.

Passage disclosed to the Senate Judiciary Committee that she knew the other man named by Whelan extremely well and that he didn’t strike her.

At the point when asked by Sen Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) “with what level of sureness” Ford trusted Kavanaugh had ambushed her, she reacted: “100 percent.”

Regardless of Ford’s announcement, Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) likewise said that she doesn’t trust Ford was ambushed by Kavanaugh. “I don’t trust that Brett Kavanaugh was her attacker,” she said on CNN’s “Condition of the Union” in a meeting set to air Sunday. “I do trust that she was struck. I don’t know by whom. I’m not sure when.”


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