Fox News Contributor Katie Pavlich: America ‘Doesn’t Get Enough Credit’ For Ending Slavery

Journalist Soledad O’Brien called the contributor “a complete moron” on Twitter for her comments.


On Tuesday’s scene of Fox News’ “Dwarfed,” supporter Katie Pavlich contended against Elizabeth Warren’s ongoing proposal that the nation needs to discuss the shameful acts of American servitude and the enduring effect it has had on ages of dark Americans.

Pavlich’s contention against reparations to the relatives of oppressed individuals came down to stating the nation doesn’t get enough acknowledgment for closure subjugation:

They keep blaming America for the sin of slavery but the truth is, throughout human history, slavery existed, and America came along as the first country to end it within 150 years. And we get no credit for that to move forward and try to make good on that.

avlich’s contention is authentically off base: There are a few nations that banned bondage before the U.S. did in 1865.

That didn’t prevent her from belligerence that offering reparations to dark Americans would really exacerbate race relations even.

“In the event that you need to kindle racial strain significantly more, begin accusing individuals who have nothing to do with subjugation for the wrongdoing of bondage,” she advertised. “That isn’t reasonable, that is not the American way, and we shouldn’t do it.”

Pavlich’s remarks grabbed the eye of many, including columnist Soledad O’Brien, who called the Fox News donor “a total blockhead.”

Pavlich went to Twitter to walk back her comments slightly and to whine about O’Brien’s shade.

O’Brien didn’t back down. Instead, she suggested that, in the future, Pavlich might want to do research before making false historical claims.



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