Congressman Calls For Hearing Into North Carolina Election Fraud Reports

“Votes have been stolen by preying on senior and minority voters, and now a cloud of doubt and suspicion hangs over this election,” Rep. Gerry Connolly said.


Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) required a crisis hearing on decision misrepresentation in North Carolina after different outlets revealed cast a ballot in the state’s ninth region may have been modified.

“While the Republican lion’s share is indeed pursuing tricks, genuine race extortion is playing out just before us in North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District,” Connolly, the bad habit positioning individual from the House Oversight Committee, said in an announcement.

“We should see each move they make to disregard this circumstance for what it is ― a slap in the face to all voters in North Carolina who took an interest in the 2018 decision with the desire that each vote would be tallied.”

Starting outcomes indicated Republican Mark Harris vanquished Democrat Dan McCready by less than 1,000 votes in a month ago’s midterm decisions. In any case, the outcomes have gone under exceptional investigation after reports surfaced that a political agent working for Republicans ran an unlawful vote task in Bladen County.

The reports provoked the Associated Press to repeal its underlying call for Harris as the champ. The North Carolina State Board of Elections and Ethics said it was presently examining “cases of abnormalities and deceitful exercises identified with non-attendant via mail casting a ballot and conceivably different issues in the ninth Congressional District challenge.”

On Monday, the Charlotte Observer detailed Leslie McCrae Dowless ― a man who filled in as a “self-employed entity” for Harris’ battle in Bladen County ― was potentially associated with suspicious non-attendant poll action. Dowless was sentenced for prevarication in 1990 and crime misrepresentation in 1992, as per court records gotten by the paper. Dowless denied any bad behavior to the production.

“Votes have been stolen by going after senior and minority voters, and now a billow of uncertainty and doubt hangs over this race result,” Connolly said in his announcement. “It is the occupant on Chairman [Trey] Gowdy to hold a crisis hearing before the finish of this congressional session with the goal that we can reveal insight and comprehend what occurred in this race.”


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